S-Crew, MHD, Petit Biscuit at the Art Sonic 2017 Festival, 3 Reasons Why You Must Go

You can not miss the 2017 edition of the Art Sonic festival. The proof with these three simple and precise reasons!
Courage for your revisions, your exams or your work, it is the last straight before the holidays! More than a few days to wait before enjoying as it should the sun that is already beginning to point the tip of his nose. Better yet, that said was also said season of festivals! As every year, you can relax in music all over France … But especially in Normandy. Yes, the Art Sonic festival is back for a 22nd edition . So we will meet on July 20th and 21st for sick concerts . Impossible to miss this, the proof with the three reasons that are revealed to you below.
It’s high time to go buy tickets to Briouze (61) saw the line-up of Art Sonic ! This is the first reason why this festival is unstoppable. Between S-Crew (which has adopted the technique of less is more) , MHD, Petit Biscuit, Asaf Avidan, Naive New Beaters or Broken Back, the programming is more than alchecante. We do not know you but we see ourselves singing at the top of our heads for a whole weekend. Because yes, no problem of schedule with this festival since it falls on a Friday evening and a Saturday night . You can easily link your summer jobs with! The icing on the cake, we also validate the prices more than affordable tickets to get here . We are told in the headset that more than 11,000 tickets have already been sold, it is time to hurry before it passes you under the nose. So who will go?