Scandal Season 6: Episode 14, the identity of the real big bad revealed, our critic
An unscrupulous character made his return in episode 14 of season 6. Discover the criticism of “Head Game”!
Last week, in episode 13 of Season 6, Olivia met the terrible Peus and managed to win the game. Did the young woman finally enjoy her victory and that of Mellie? The editor of melty unveils his criticism of episode 14 of season 6 of Scandal. “Head Game” opens on Marcus announcing to the press that drones and all threats have been neutralized. As for David, he is still traumatized by his story with Samantha. He then turns to Rowan to know the true identity Peus’ accomplice. If Papa Pope is about to disappear in the sun, the Attorney General’s desperation convinces him to help him. Meanwhile, Olivia advises Fitz to talk to Abby because the President refuses to ” To have this “difficult conversation” but it is finally, the young woman who sets foot in the dish. Unfortunately, Fitz is not yet ready to forgive her. Meanwhile , Charlie thinks Olivia is preparing to leave OPA but their boss returns with her arms loaded with files . The gladiators must peel out various cases to find out if Fitz can pardon one of the culprits in Scandal’s Season 6 . One case challenges them, that of Bobby Barnes killed by Shawn Campbell. Bobby was actually a killer who was acquitted although the police knew he was guilty. The man was found hanged as soon as he returned to town. Quinn and Huck think that Shawn was accused because he was black in an ultra racist city. But it is finally, the young woman who sets foot in the dish. Unfortunately, Fitz is not yet ready to forgive her. Meanwhile , Charlie thinks Olivia is preparing to leave OPA but their boss returns with her arms loaded with files . The gladiators must peel out various cases to find out if Fitz can pardon one of the culprits in Scandal’s Season 6 . One case challenges them, that of Bobby Barnes killed by Shawn Campbell. Bobby was actually a killer who was acquitted although the police knew he was guilty. The man was found hanged as soon as he returned to town. Quinn and Huck think that Shawn was accused because he was black in an ultra racist city. But it is finally, the young woman who sets foot in the dish. Unfortunately, Fitz is not yet ready to forgive her. Meanwhile , Charlie thinks Olivia is preparing to leave OPA but their boss returns with her arms loaded with files . The gladiators must peel out various cases to find out if Fitz can pardon one of the culprits in Scandal’s Season 6 . One case challenges them, that of Bobby Barnes killed by Shawn Campbell. Bobby was actually a killer who was acquitted although the police knew he was guilty. The man was found hanged as soon as he returned to town. Quinn and Huck think that Shawn was accused because he was black in an ultra racist city. Fitz is not yet ready to forgive her. Meanwhile , Charlie thinks Olivia is preparing to leave OPA but their boss returns with her arms loaded with files . The gladiators must peel out various cases to find out if Fitz can pardon one of the culprits in Scandal’s Season 6 . One case challenges them, that of Bobby Barnes killed by Shawn Campbell. Bobby was actually a killer who was acquitted although the police knew he was guilty. The man was found hanged as soon as he returned to town. Quinn and Huck think that Shawn was accused because he was black in an ultra racist city. Fitz is not yet ready to forgive her. Meanwhile , Charlie thinks Olivia is preparing to leave OPA but their boss returns with her arms loaded with files . The gladiators must peel out various cases to find out if Fitz can pardon one of the culprits in Scandal’s Season 6 . One case challenges them, that of Bobby Barnes killed by Shawn Campbell. Bobby was actually a killer who was acquitted although the police knew he was guilty. The man was found hanged as soon as he returned to town. Quinn and Huck think Shawn was accused because he was black in an ultra racist city. The gladiators must peel out various cases to find out if Fitz can pardon one of the culprits in Scandal’s Season 6 . One case challenges them, that of Bobby Barnes killed by Shawn Campbell. Bobby was actually a killer who was acquitted although the police knew he was guilty. The man was found hanged as soon as he returned to town. Quinn and Huck think that Shawn was accused because he was black in an ultra racist city. The gladiators must peel out various cases to find out if Fitz can pardon one of the culprits in Scandal’s Season 6 . One case challenges them, that of Bobby Barnes killed by Shawn Campbell. Bobby was actually a killer who was acquitted although the police knew he was guilty. The man was found hanged as soon as he returned to town. Quinn and Huck think that Shawn was accused because he was black in an ultra racist city.
Later, David arrives at Abby’s. He needs his freezer to put his “box”, a gift from Rowan. Abby discovers the head of Samnatha! Jake will take DNA samples to determine his true identity and know all the secrets of Peus and his acolytes. In front of the beaten dog look of poor David, Abby agrees to help him in Scandal’s season 6 . At the OPA, the gladiators work on the case of Bobby Barnes. Shawn Campbell swears he did not kill Bobby and admits that the President’s pardon is his last chance. Quinn firmly believes in his innocence and intends to prove it. Olivia seems distracted and leaves her team to take care of the case. What if Charlie was right in season 6 of Scandal ? While Jake has everything she needs about Samantha, Olivia helps Mellie choose the members of her government. The President thinks of Marcus even if she says there is nothing more between them. As for Quinn, she discovers that a certain Donny Logan has never testified. It is perhaps the key to innocent Shawn. But when he meets him, Huck understands that the bartender killed Bobby and obviously did not hesitate to trap a black man to go to jail instead . In the evening, Olivia dines with her father who says goodbye to him because he does not want to be a distraction or a danger for his daughter now that she has the power in season 6 of Scandal . She needs Samantha, Olivia helps Mellie choose the members of her government. The President thinks of Marcus even if she says there is nothing more between them. As for Quinn, she discovers that a certain Donny Logan has never testified. It is perhaps the key to innocent Shawn. But when he meets him, Huck understands that the bartender killed Bobby and obviously did not hesitate to trap a black man to go to jail instead . In the evening, Olivia dines with her father who says goodbye to him because he does not want to be a distraction or a danger for his daughter now that she has the power in season 6 of Scandal . She needs Samantha, Olivia helps Mellie choose the members of her government. The President thinks of Marcus even if she says there is nothing more between them. As for Quinn, she discovers that a certain Donny Logan has never testified. It is perhaps the key to innocent Shawn. But when he meets him, Huck understands that the bartender killed Bobby and obviously did not hesitate to trap a black man to go to jail instead . In the evening, Olivia dines with her father who says goodbye to him because he does not want to be a distraction or a danger for his daughter now that she has the power in season 6 of Scandal . The President thinks of Marcus even if she says there is nothing more between them. As for Quinn, she discovers that a certain Donny Logan has never testified. It is perhaps the key to innocent Shawn. But when he meets him, Huck understands that the bartender killed Bobby and obviously did not hesitate to trap a black man to go to jail instead . In the evening, Olivia dines with her father who says goodbye to him because he does not want to be a distraction or a danger for his daughter now that she has the power in season 6 of Scandal . The President thinks of Marcus even if she says there is nothing more between them. As for Quinn, she discovers that a certain Donny Logan has never testified. It is perhaps the key to innocent Shawn. But when he meets him, Huck understands that the bartender killed Bobby and obviously did not hesitate to trap a black man to go to jail instead . In the evening, Olivia dines with her father who says goodbye to him because he does not want to be a distraction or a danger for his daughter now that she has the power in season 6 of Scandal . Huck understands that the bartender killed Bobby and obviously did not hesitate to trap a black man so he would go to jail instead . In the evening, Olivia dines with her father who says goodbye to him because he does not want to be a distraction or a danger for his daughter now that she has the power in season 6 of Scandal . Huck understands that the bartender killed Bobby and obviously did not hesitate to trap a black man so he would go to jail instead . In the evening, Olivia dines with her father who says goodbye to him because he does not want to be a distraction or a danger for his daughter now that she has the power in season 6 of Scandal .
Olivia wants more evidence about Shawn but no testimony, it’s impossible. Quinn accuses his boss of no longer interested in them, OPA or the innocent. The tone rises between the two women! Charlie tells him she does not have to stop being a gladiator even if Olivia leaves OPA. Quinn decides to make a small visit to the President in season 6 of Scandal . It was not thought that Quinn was the kind to be intimidated and yet it is the case in the Oval office. The young woman can not convince Fitz to pardon Shawn, but Marcus refuses to let her go. Quinn resumes and offers a speech worthy of “Sa” Olivia Pope, who was a true gladiator. On the other hand, Mellie asks Marcus to stay with him but he declines his offer because he will lead the association of Fitz. Meanwhile , Jake found the identity of Samantha or rather Gertrude but especially a text message suggesting that Peus and the young woman were working for someone else. In the interview, Fitz finally decided to follow Marcus’ advice, noting that he gave Shawn Campbell a second chance, while Olivia passed the OPA reindeer in Quinn. Yes, it was a test! Finally, Jake found out who Samatha and Peus were working for. Olivia then catches up with her father and asks her to help and protect her. Mama Pope is back! “Head Game” was a good episode, returning to the fundamentals of the series. It was also calm before the storm. The double episode of next week promises to finish this season 6 as it began … in apotheosis! Before you know more, as of Thursday next, also discover why the season 7 will be the last of Scandal . And you, what did you think of Scandal’s episode 14 of Season 6?