Ségolène Royal “trolle” the series “Black Baron” : President, it is only fiction – Gala

Entertainment 23 January, 2018


Ségolène Royal wants it to Black Baron ? The former candidate to the presidency has published on Twitter a message which reminds us that unfortunately, there is although in the series broadcast on Canal+ that a woman has been elected president of the Republic.

Monday 22 January was released the new season of the series Black Baron, on Canal+. Anna Mouglalis played Amélie Dorendeu, a character who became… president of the Republic. An element well away from the French situation, that is first to react, the journalist Elise Lucet : “The only thing that the writers of the Black Baron have written and which have not been verified, is that a woman is elected President of the Republic,” she posted on her Twitter account.

Ségolène Royal, who could become the first woman president of the Republic, has repartagé the message Élise Lucet, by adding two simple words : “indeed “. Two words that show the regrets of the former candidate, who has not abandoned his political ambitions and would rather to the new minister. A position that it does not, however, always appreciated – it considers to be the “sacrificed his life” – but that misses him sometimes since she became an ambassador in charge of international negotiations for the arctic and antarctic poles.

Anna Mouglalis has not reacted to these statements. Not hesitating to denounce the sexism of the world of cinema, the actress is proud to embody a president of the Republic.

Credits photos : Bestimage

Ségolène RoyalÉlise Lucet

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