Skin Cancer: protect the eyelids of the sun

Health 11 July, 2017

d. travnikov/epictura

Published the 11.07.2017 at 16h17


Keywords :

cream solaireUVyeux

Attention to the eyes ! Apply sunscreen is a gesture, a little popular. And these are the eyes that clink glasses. A study conducted by the university of Liverpool (United Kingdom) is evidence of this. Presented at the annual Congress of the british Association of dermatologists (4-6 July), it shows that the eyelids and the bridge of the nose are often forgotten when it comes to sun lovers.

For the goods of the work of 57 British, carefully spread the sunscreen on the face. Men and women have received no instruction prior and came in front of a camera sensitive to UV light before and after the application. The results speak for themselves.

Approximately 10 % of the face passes through the meshes of the net. “It is disturbing that people have so much evil to apply sunscreen properly on their face, an area particularly at risk of skin cancer due to exposure to the sun,” alarm Dr Kevin Hamill, who has led this work. In fact, the vast majority of basal cell carcinomas – skin cancers, the most frequent – are located on the head and neck.


Three regions in particular are in the shadow zone of the participants : the eyelids, the forgotten 13.5 % of the volunteers, the corner of the eye, snubbed by three-quarters of the people – and the top of the ridge of the nose. In normal times, these same areas are protected by sun glasses.

But this equipment must not be forgotten. Because it is not just the eyelids. “The sunglasses are essential to protect the eyes, particularly the cornea, damage caused by the UV, and for easy viewing in strong sunlight,” says Dr. Hamill.

The improvement is possible, provided the appropriate information. After having been made aware of the risk of cancer linked to UV light, the participants began the experiment. This time, they have forgotten that 7 % of the face.

Other hazards

The reluctance of consumers to cream the eyelids, is easy to understand. Most manufacturers recommend not spraying sunscreen into the eyes. By prudence, the contour will be therefore avoided. It is then strongly recommended to use other measures barrier, such as caps, hats or sunglasses with adequate protection.

In the United Kingdom alone, 90 % of skin cancers occur on the head and neck. 5 to 10 % of them localize on the eyelids. In addition to sunburn and the cancers, excessive exposure can burn the cornea, but also promote degenerative diseases of the eye, such as AMD or cataracts.