Sleep 6 hours a night promotes the love handles

Health 30 July, 2017


Published the 28.07.2017 at 18h16


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Not enough sleep not only leads to the appearance of dark circles unsightly. Sleep deprivation promotes overweight and obesity, as well as the occurrence of metabolic disorders such as diabetes, reports a new study published in Plos One.

This work is from the university of Leeds (Great Britain) have relied on data collected from 1 615 British between the ages of 19 to 65 years. Nearly 6 in 10 were women. These participants noted hang 4 days their hours of sunset and sunrise, the quality of their sleep as well as the composition of their meals. Their weight, their waist circumference and their blood pressure have also been identified, and blood samples made.

Less of good cholesterol

It appears that adults who sleep on average 6 hours per night have a waist size higher than 3 cm than those who sleep at least 9 hours per night. Small sleepers weighed also more heavy on the scale.

In addition, the analysis of blood samples reveals that the short nights are associated with a reduced concentration of “good” cholesterol, HDL. However, these lipids are thought to play a protective role against cardiovascular diseases.


If these results could be expected in the light of the scientific literature, the authors were surprised not to see any effect on the power supply. While previous studies have suggested that small-sleepers have a greater appetite and are more likely to snack, especially for fatty foods and sweets, than the other, the researchers from the university of Leeds do not find these results.

Studies have even shown that diets rich in fat promote sleep disorders. The followers of the fat would then be more prone to sleepiness during the day, and sleeplessness at night. A real vicious circle…

Still, these studies confirm that sleep bit is related to the development of obesity and increases the risk of chronic disease. The researchers therefore recommend that for small sleepers become a little more marmots and sleep between 7 and 9 hours per night.