So the most bogus movie of the year would be “Batman Vs. Superman”
Organized like dab on the eve of the Oscars, Les Razzies have sacred “Batman V. Superman: The Dawn of Justice” in several unflattering categories. Merit?
Each year at the same time, it is two rooms, two atmospheres on the side of Los Angeles with the holding of the Oscars and their evil counterpart, the Razzie . Although this weekend, we also felt we were witnessing a parody of the Oscars with this huge mess at the time of announcing the best film , which eventually returned to “Moonlight” , not To “La La Land” as announced at first. In the trade, it’s called a Steve Harvey.
On the eve of this enormous failure, it was “Batman Vs. Superman: The Dawn of Justice” which got smashed during the Razzies, choping no less than 4 Raspberries, including that of “worst scenario” and “Worse prequel, remake or sequel” , and little escaping that of “worst film” (won by a documentary rotten on Hillary Clinton, passed unnoticed in France). But Zack Snyder’s film is fiercely supported by the critics, but he is particularly seduced by the long version, not the one that has been pissed off for cinema . Hence the inflamed reactions on the canvas, attacking the Razzies, which would not be their first bullshit.
The institution, created in 1984 by publicist John Wilson, makes people laugh less and less people on the other side of the Atlantic, and would tend to shoot ambulances. But also to scratch films that later became cults. Stanley Kubrick and Brian de Palma can testify, they were named the same year in the category “worst director” for “Shining” and “Scarface” respectively . From there to say that “Batman Vs. Superman” will join these films in the pantheon of the classics of the 7th art, it is all the evil one wishes to him …
The Razzie Awards 2017
Worst Film : “Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party”
Worst actor : Dinesh D’Souza in “Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party”
Worst actress : Becky Turner in “Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party”
Worst director : Dinesh D’Souza for “Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party”
Worst actor in a supporting role : Jesse Eisenberg in “Batman Vs. Superman”
Worst actress in a supporting role : Kristen Wiig in “Zoolander 2” and “The Brains”
Worst scenario : “Batman Vs. Superman”
Worst prequel, remake or sequel : “Batman Vs. Superman”
Worst association on screen : Ben Affleck and his best enemy Henry Cavill in “Batman Vs. Superman”