Spider-Man Homecoming: Michelle’s true identity (Zendaya) unveiled?
Is the mystery “Michelle” finally resolved? Information leaked about the character of Zendaya in Spider-Man: Homecoming would have revealed his identity!
Of all the new characters who will break into the life of Peter Parker in Spider-Man: Homecoming , none has sparked as many questions as Michelle. The girl, played by Zendaya, remains a mystery, some seeing in her first name a deliberate attempt of the studios to conceal her true identity. Because yes, for many, Michelle would in fact be none other than Mary Jane, the most important love interest of Spidey in the comics. The fact that the surname of the high school girl, described as a kind of solitary to the highly developed intelligence, was not revealed had in any case tend to reinforce its mysterious side. But it may be that one knows FINALLY who she really is! As the editor of melty invited you yesterday to discover the relationship that Michelle and Peter share with a featurette of Spider-Man: Homecoming , here is a whole new info has just come across the character of Zendaya. And she would reveal exactly the surname of the girl. And it’s pretty huge! Attention, potential SPOILERS, of course!
The news comes from the Movie Pilot site, which would have gotten the details of the novelization of the film of Jon Watts . According to him, therefore, if Sony and the studios Marvel hitherto concealed the true identity of Michelle, it is because it is related to a major personage of the film. The girl would be called … Michelle Toomes! Or, Toomes like Adrian Toomes (Michael Keaton), aka The Vulture! Peter’s comrade would be none other than the daughter of her most fierce adversary. Of course, the new is size but it must still take it with tweezers. Since it is a leak, we are for the moment unable to confirm the information. However, the idea seems quite plausible . This would explain why Adrian Toomes swings very personal threats to our hero in the latest Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer , while they both seem to be in a car. If Adrian is Michelle’s father, then there’s a good chance that he knows almost everything about Peter’s life … Obviously, we’ll probably have to wait until the film’s release to check it out. But what is certain is that Michelle is becoming more and more like a character particularly interesting! What do you think ? Then there’s a good chance he knows almost everything about Peter’s life … Obviously, we’ll probably have to wait until the film’s release to check it out. But what is certain is that Michelle is becoming more and more like a character particularly interesting! What do you think ? Then there’s a good chance he knows almost everything about Peter’s life … Obviously, we’ll probably have to wait until the film’s release to check it out. But what is certain is that Michelle is becoming more and more like a character particularly interesting! What do you think ?