Spider-Man Homecoming: The 3 Marvel movies you need to see before the new adventures of Spidey!

This is the big day, Spider-Man Homecoming finally comes to the cinema and we advise you 3 other films Marvel that will help you to enjoy even more!
Spidey has joined the MCU superheroes and today, after long months of waiting, we can finally discover his new adventures at the cinema. It was not until Tom Holland took over the costume of the spider-man, that he would be accompanied by Iron Man aka Tony Stark aka Robert Downey Jr. for his solo solo entry at Marvel Studios. We already had the chance to see the film and frankly we are not going to lie, you go kiffer! No need to have seen the first 2 trilogies, Peter Parker is very young and offers himself a new plot, new friends and new enemies. On the other hand, there are big references to 3 other films of the MCU that it is better to have seen to capture everything. But hey, we trust you, as an accomplished fans, you already know them by heart! Attention, small spoilers are hidden in this article!
Avengers Infinity War – We do not want to tell you too much, but basically it’s because the Avengers have ransacked New York after defending it against the bad guys who arrived thanks to Loki help that some people get their hands on Objects they should not have access to. Yes, Alien technologies are not for everyone and can create big trouble!
Iron Man 3 – When you discover Spider-Man Homecoming, the debate about the man’s spider suit will certainly echo if you’ve seen the third film about Tony Stark’s alter ego. Do we need a costume to be a superhero? What defines a superhero? A debate that is resurrected and that will have an impact on our young hero.
Captain America Civil War – Have you dared to miss the great debut of Spidey alongside all the superheroes of the MCU? We hope not because frankly it was egg! An experience that neither we nor Peter has forgotten and besides that is why the film begins, with the point of view of Spidey on this event that will eventually change the rest of his life, since it marks His meeting with Tony Stark and, well, with the rest of the Avengers. Rather cool to relive this moment with Peter’s comments!