Star Wars The Last Jedi: The role of Leïa remains unchanged
This is the question that many fans are asking: the role of Carrie Fisher in Star Wars Will the Last Jedi be modified following the disappearance of the actress?
What role will Leïa have in Star Wars The Last Jedi ? When the film was still filming, sources close to production had announced that the character played by Carrie Fisher would be crucial to the plot of the new track and that would also be the case for episode IX. Last December, the actress left suddenly leaving the fans of the saga devastated by her disappearance and with a question: what fate will be reserved to Leïa in the film planned for the end of the year? Disney leaders quickly let us know that Carrie Fisher had finished his work on Star Wars The Last Jedi , and then organized an emergency meeting to decide the fate of the character.
Disney CEO Bob Iger recently unveiled to the US press: “When we bought Lucasfilm, we wanted to do 3 movies: Episode VII, Episode VIII and IX. We had to deal with a tragedy at the end of the ‘Carrie is part of episode VIII, and we will not change anything after his disappearance, his role will remain intact, and in Rogue One we have recreated characters in digital, but we will not do it with Carrie .’ If this news reassures us, we are still curious to know how the transition will take place between episode VIII and episode IX for the character … While waiting for a first trailer, we propose you to discover the Details of the first teaser of Star Wars The Last Jedi