Star Wars The Last Jedi: Where should you be to see the movie first?
Small creaking of teeth across the Atlantic, US Star Wars fans have learned that the English will see The Last Jedi one day before them. But will they be the first?
Every country has its own movie release day and it counts when it comes to a movie like Star Wars The Last Jedi, expected by millions of fans around the world! But in what country should it be to be among the first people to see Episode VIII of the saga? A hint … Hexagon! Yes, we can understand that the Americans are a little jealous of the English, but what must they feel in front of us since we will be able to discover the film on December 13, 2017, 2 days before the American release . The English will have the chance to discover it on the 14th in the evening in only a few rooms and we have a special thought for China which she will have to wait until January 5th.
Yes, the US releases always take place on Friday so that the receipts of the film benefit from the weekend, when France prefers its releases on Wednesday, day when children / college students do not course in the afternoon and can So go to relax while matting a movie at the cinema. We know that for the release of Star Wars The Reveil of the Force , some American hardcore fans had made the trip to Paris to see the film before their friends … When you love you do not count! Star Wars The Last Jedi, whose first trailer was unveiled a few weeks ago, looks like a moving and revelatory film!