Stéphane Bern, as popular as Brigitte Macron ? It has already received 1,200 letters to save the heritage Gala
Stéphane Bern has received not less than 1,200 letters since his appointment by Emmanuel Macron at the head of a mission dedicated to the French heritage, in mid-September. On his side, the very popular Brigitte Macron receives approximately 150 emails per day.
Brigitte Macron receives a lot of letters to the Elysée : over 150 letters per day, a pledge of his popularity. “The volume of mail is a little surprise. In comparison, Carla [Bruni] received every day thirty and Valérie [Trierweiler, ED.], between fifteen and twenty “, had entrusted his cabinet director Pierre-Olivier Costa. The current First lady is so requested by the French nearly five times more than its prédécesseuses.
Like the First lady, Stéphane Bern is drowning in e-mails. Since Emmanuel Macron has entrusted to him a mission dedicated to the French heritage, the 16th of September last, the presenter has received not less than 1 200 letters from concerned citizens alerting him of the monuments have deteriorated, according to a information Release Wednesday 4 October. A nice record !
Another indicator of the popularity of the host of Secrets of history : “Every time I do (a show), there is a 30 % increase in visitors in the five years that followed”, he targué, always with the daily. No wonder, therefore, that Emmanuel Macron has appointed Stéphane Bern at the head of this mission – for which he will not be paid.
Stéphane BernBrigitte Trogneux
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