Sun : how to protect

Health 19 July, 2017


Published the 18.07.2017 at 18h12


Keywords :

préventionsoleilcancer of the peaumélanome

To spend a summer without a hitch, the Institut national du cancer (INCa) and public Health France presented the actions of prevention to enjoy the sun safely.

They especially recall the essential of the summer : hat, sunglasses, light clothing but covering, and sunscreen. Applied regularly, sunscreens protect from the damaging effects of UV. In addition to the cream, it is better to stay locked up between 12h and 16h to avoid the rays more harmful. Gestures not to be overlooked in children.

And those who engage in sessions of UV to ” prepare their skin in the summer “, the health agencies say that this strategy does not work. “The artificial UV are in addition to UV from the sun, thereby increasing the risk of cancer,” insist-they.

Source : national cancer Institute and public Health France


Melanoma and carcinoma

The radiation, ultra-violet rays are, in effect, responsible for most cases of cancer of the skin. The most frequent are carcinomas. They occur after the age of 50 on areas most often exposed to the sun such as the face, neck or arms.
Melanoma is a rarer but much more dangerous because it leads more easily metastasis. In 2015, 14 325 people have been diagnosed and 1 773 died from this skin cancer.

These diseases can be treated much more easily than their detection is made early. In the infographic below, the INCa and public Health France are issuing a few tips to recognize a melanoma. It must especially be alert to the colour and shape of its grains of beauty, as well as the evolution of these brown spots. This monitoring is strongly recommended for people with light skin, those with freckles or victims of severe sunburns in adolescence.

Source : national cancer Institute and public Health France

But vacationers are not the only ones affected by these recommendations. The health agencies are mainly interested in alerting people exposed to the radiation of the UV within the framework of their profession, such as farmers, employees in the CONSTRUCTION industry or the marine.