dean israelite

The Power Rangers: The director promises a film that caters to both new and old fans

Is Dean Israelite, director of the Power Rangers, in danger of losing the old fans to the detriment of the new ones? According to him, the answer is ...

16 March, 2017
Power Rangers: Is Zordon (Bryan Cranston) the original Ranger?

Is Zordon, played by Bryan Cranston, the original Ranger of the upcoming movie The Power Rangers? One theory sows doubt!
But who is Zordon, a famous ...

10 February, 2017
The Power Rangers: 5 differences between the film and the original series

The big return of the Power Rangers is soon, and it is the cinema that will be made. But do not expect a true copy of the original series. There are ...

27 January, 2017
The Power Rangers: Bryan Cranston “This movie is going to be something huge”

Bryan Cranston reassures those who would be worried about the quality of the movie The Power Ranger: it should be huge!
In the first film Power ...

18 January, 2017