Testimonies of women : 50 years after its authorization, the pill in decline

Health 20 December, 2017


Published the 20.12.2017 at 05: 30


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The pill is 50 years old. Instrument of women’s liberation in its early stages, it is today more contested. The controversy around the pills of the third and fourth generations have largely contributed. A young woman had filed a complaint after a cerebral vascular accident related to this type of oral contraception. In addition, with the AIDS, the pill is rarely used alone and left to use a condom, what is the pill ? The latest studies on the modes of contraception, show a progressive decline in its use. Between 2010 and 2016, the percentage of women taking the pill have decreased by ten points.

Decreased desire

Daphnée, 25 years old, started to take the pill at 18 years old. “I stopped two years ago, at the beginning, because I was in a distance relationship, I didn’t find it convenient to take it all the time.” Then it is filled in, and no longer wanted to return to. “I had already tried three or four different pills, took a lot of weight, I no longer wanted to take hormones “. Today, she is wearing an intra-uterine device copper. “On the libido, I found to be the major effects. I realized that I no longer had any desire in pill. ”

Side effects

Kassandra, 23 years old, has also found his libido by stopping, but not that : “The hormones that causes episodes of depression, bouts of anger, which did not correspond at all to my character. “She has taken the pill for four years, and since wearing a copper iud also. Since 2010, the share of women using a slide intrauterine has increased by almost seven points. “Going to the IUD, I had the impression to rediscover my body, it forgets, in fact, that one takes a medication daily and that it has lasting effects on us. “The young woman regrets not having been more advised when he was prescribed when she was 16 years old.

Increased hunger

For Audrey, 24 years old, the light bulb went on otherwise. “I didn’t have sex regular, I couldn’t see the usefulness, and most of all, I had food cravings all the time.” She felt obsessed with food, even getting up in the night to eat. One thing that has completely disappeared since his arrest two years ago. “I’m glad that I stopped but if I had to resume contraception, I think I will take the pill “. The side effects of the implant of concern, the iud also. “I will try surely a pill less dosage. “All were afraid for their health in the long term.

According to a study of public Health in France published last September, are women aged 20 to 29 years are most affected by the change of contraception.