The 100 Season 4: Is the series too repetitive?

One day before the release of a new episode of season 4 of The 100, one returns to the intrigue of the series and some of its repetitive aspects.
There are only a few hours before the release of a new episode of Season 4 of The 100 and then you announced that there is little that the series was renewed for season 5 , we propose today to To return to the plots of the series and especially to the nuclear apocalypse. As usual, do not hesitate to share your opinions in the comments and know that we are only here to launch the debate without pretending to have an absolute answer. Like us, some of us were able to tell each other at the end of Season 3 and Season 4 that the big plot of the season had already been seen, and for good reason: Clarke, Bellamy and all the others still have to find a way Of – avoid a nuclear catastrophe threatening the Earth and puts them all in danger . But is this really the only thing that is repeated in the series? Not quite as the situation tense forces Clarke to make tough decisions and if there is one thing that has not changed since the first season, it is the position of the girl that is always torn between Impossible choices while his friends criticize the choices if they do not go in their direction.
Without denigrating the quality of The 100 , we must nevertheless point out that the show revolves around in circles … and more since Clarke’s plan was to send 100 people into space through the Ark To survive the radiation. The circumstances make it obvious to the Sky People to think about it but this remains uninformed by the writers. But this possibility was in any case reduced to nothing because of Ilian and it is indeed to Abby that this time comes the burden of having to save humanity. Rest after the renewal of the series for a fifth season, it seems essential to question us about upcoming possible intrigues and the way that production could borrow Jason Rothenberg . Even if the nightblood happens to save the characters, how will they survive on an Earth irradiated with a contaminated fauna and flora? Will the struggle to survive – of a different kind but always in the same branch – always be at the heart of the next season? We obviously forget that this is a post-apocalyptic series and that it is therefore normal that the struggle for survival is at the center of the characters’ stories.
Yet more than a new nuclear threat, we would have liked this third season to focus on its characters to show the repercussions of the reign of ALIE and its disappearance. How can a whole people rebuild their belief system that was based on an artificial intelligence ready to sacrifice them all? How do Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia and all the young people rebuild themselves after so many tragedies? In short, we would have liked the catastrophe to wait a bit to see the characters blow a blow, to reposition themselves as 13th clan with the other Grounders and to find their place among the inhabitants of the Earth rather than this race against the perpetual watch that Offers us diagrams seen and reviewed: danger, difficult choice, sacrifice.
Who says identical situations says identical reactions for the characters who have therefore very little possibility to evolve or to show us other facets since they are always confronted with the same things. Clarke never has time to relax and always take the hard decisions for everyone, it is the same for Bellamy who alternates between misdeeds and redemption season two from the start , Octavia is perpetually angry or Still Raven who is only suffering. Despite a generally satisfactory season so far, it is hoped that the next will be up to it and will offer us a little novelty. Until know, we told you this would happen in episode 6 of season 4 of The 100 .