The 11 obligatory vaccines reimbursed at 100 %

Health 6 July, 2017

Jacques Witt/SIPA

Published the 06.07.2017 at 12: 10 pm


Keywords :

vaccinationAgnès BuzynPolitique Health

The immunization policy with the French is going to evolve. Confirmed by the Prime minister Edouard Philippe, the transition to 11 mandatory vaccinations is planned for 2018. At a press briefing, the minister of Health, Agnes Buzyn, detailed the major steps of this review.

A bill will be tabled in the national Assembly in 2018 in order to reduce the number of strains required to 11, compared to 3 today. Has the diphtheria, tetanus and polio will be added to the childhood vaccines that protect against haemophilus influenzae B (at the origin of pneumonia and meningitis), pertussis, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella, meningococcus C, and pneumococcus.

Only children under 2 years of age will be covered. But 11 additional strains do not mean 11 injections of more. And the minister was keen to remind them. This new policy will result in a 10-vaccinations spread over two years. What are already the majority of homes.


“The extension of the vaccination requirement is 10 injections over two years. 70% of children are already in France.”

— Agnès Buzyn (@agnesbuzyn) July 5, 2017


A collective act

The choice of these 11 vaccines responds to a worrying situation in France. The immunization coverage is correct but insufficient in most cases. This has led to the return of infectious diseases that had declined sharply and a number of preventable deaths. “It is outrageous that young people under 25 years old die of meningitis and measles in our country,” pestered the minister of Health at the microphone of RTL.

Because Agnès Buzyn points out, vaccination is not only an individual act, it is also designed to protect its people…” With a rate of adequate protection, the people who can’t be vaccinated are also protected from a severe pathology.

It is through the principle of herd immunity, mortality has fallen sharply in the country. Just for the tetanus, deaths have increased from 1,000 per year to only 5.


I put it out there (and I’m going to immediately pick up my cheque from the Pharmaceutical Lobby).

— ????(((B. Beaulieu)))???? (@BeaulieuBap) July 4, 2017


Look at the explanations of Public Health France on vaccines :

[FAQ] answers to 11 frequently asked questions about #vaccines.
???? video of @santeprevention
?? #ConfVaccins

— MinSolidaritésSanté (@MinSoliSante) July 6, 2017