The Avengers 3 Infinity War: An important superhero missing from the cast?

Cinema 21 December, 2016

This is the news we did not expect: an important superhero may not be featured in the cast of Avengers Infinity War.
This is a nasty surprise! We announced on melty, shooting Avengers Infinity War will begin in a few weeks and things become clearer. We should soon see the cream of the cream Marvel Studios in Atlanta and the first shots of the film of the event will soon put us star-filled eyes. If until the Russo brothers were in full preparation and shared with us some cryptic video filming Avengers Infinity War , the really hard work begins and all our favorite superheroes going to get to work. All but One! Tragic we know, but who is it? While lucky people got their hands on the schedule of filming, they acknowledged there names like those of Chris Evans , Robert Downey Jr or Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner and Scarlett Johansson. Paul Rudd (Ant-Man) and Benedict Cumberbatch (Doctor Strange) will also be part of the adventure and we are pleased to announce that Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) will make his first steps in the film alongside the Guardians of the Galaxy.
But then, the name of Tom Holland aka Spider-Man does not appear on the famous sheet . Will Spider-Man be absent from this film that promises to be the best Marvel Studios? Two explanations are possible: the first is that the agreement between Marvel Studios and Sony may not allow Spidey to be part of the film, despite the appearances of the New York hero in Civil War. The second is that Avengers Infinity War could happen largely in space which could limit the possibilities of superheroes is much more efficient on Earth. But then why are Black Widow and Hawkeye part of the adventure? We can not wait to hear the answer! Meanwhile whether Spidey will in Avengers Infinity War , discover in the trailer for Spider-Man Homecoming on melty. Would you be disappointed if Spider-man is not in Avengers Infinity War?