The Avengers Infinity War: Tom Holland (Spider-Man) burned the script for the movie
Tom Holland will not let anybody get their hands on the Avengers Infinity War script and he proves it in a video posted on his Instagram account.
When we tell you that Marvel does not joke with the Spoilers! We announced it to you on melty, filming the next & much awaited Avengers debuted in Atlanta in the US and some of the superheroes are already on the spot. You know, to shoot it takes a script and the latter must be kept super super mega secret. The actors get it in the morning on arrival and must imperatively return it at the end of their working day. Under no circumstances should they bring him home, lest the precious lines fall into the hands of the evil people, and the plot of the film may be found everywhere in line.
Tom Holland is one of the last actors to join the big Marvel family and if the superheroes were very numerous on Captain America Civil War , it is his first participation in one of the films Avengers. The young man is not completely honed at the level of discretion required by such a shoot and forgot to render his script on leaving. To make sure that Marvel spies do not come home in the middle of the night, Tom Holland took charge and to prove his good faith, he filmed himself burning the screenplay of Instagram. So Marvel Studios can sleep on both ears, there will be no leaks on the side of Spider-Man!