The baby at the breast, a masterpiece in danger ?

Health 18 October, 2017


Published the 18.10.2017 at 16: 30


Keywords :

A great automotive brand, was chosen to extol the virtues of the airbag. It is certainly the symbol of happiness, at least the one of the serenity for the child and to the denial for the mother…

 One of the most effective and the most cost-effective

Yet, according to the organizers of the Snam (the Global Week of Breastfeeding), which runs from 15 to 22 October : “No country in the world fully respects the recommendations of breast-feeding, according to a new report from Unicef and the world Health Organization (WHO) established in collaboration with the worldwide union for breastfeeding, a new initiative designed to increase breastfeeding rates in the world “. And ” a new analysis shows that it is necessary to invest only 4,70 dollars per new born child per year to bring it to 50% by 2025 the global rate of exclusive breastfeeding for children under 6 months “.

For the Unicef executive director, Anthony Lake, ” breastfeeding is one of the most effective and the most profitable that a country can make for the health of its youngest residents and the future health of its economy and its society. By investing not in favour of breastfeeding, we are failing in our duty to the mothers and their infants and pay a double penalty : in lost lives and wasted potential. “

One in two women do not breastfeed past within

Why breastfeeding is declining in our country ? Is this a selflessness of the health of children ? Certainly not… Never has it been so important. It is, therefore, more certainly, by method or rather for lack of information that mothers neglect. It must be admitted that the artificial milks formulas are very present, at birth, free even from the maternity, and they provide the young mother with a simple, non-distressing to not be perfect from a nutritional point of view, economic, and especially psychological.

A triple interest

The properties of breastfeeding are threefold… first in the register dietary. Since we know that conducting accurate analyses that the composition of the milk varies during a feeding, acid at first, then more bold, and that above all, it changes according to the needs of the baby. It is also, by the milk that the mother will provide evidence protective of her child. Then, there is the economy of course, the cost of milk powder, but there is also the debate on the resumption of the work which, for some mothers, is a real blackmail to employment. Finally, there is the psychological aspect, because it is not just the milk that the mother provides to her child, but also a moment of true merger which may not be trivial for the future balance.

In the Face of such arguments, the medical world tries to adviser, to the woman who can, to try not to deny yourself this pleasure useful in peace without the risk of poisoning her child… Without the guilt.

Elisabeth Badinter, in her book The Conflict, the woman and The mother, reflects this concern for the “moral pressure (…) weighing in on the women from 30 years old to be mothers full-time” : “It is forbidden to think the diversity is great desires of women. I think it is time to remind the mothers that they must follow their desires. If we force you to breastfeed and you don’t want to do it, it will be missed and painful. “

 It is up to the mom-to-be to choose

No medical study shows that breastfeeding offers more guarantees to be better in his skin or in his head. After having been informed objectively, without any sectarian spirit, because the fundamentalists are never very far away – it’s up to the mom-to-be to choose. There is only one mandatory rule : once the decision is made, it should be respected and not to talk about it.

Theme of the Snam 2017 : Together, protect breastfeeding, far from conflicts of interest.


For more information : association for the support of breastfeeding :