The Beauty and the Beast: A planned sequence?
Beauty and the Beast is a huge success worldwide and fans are asking the question: will we have the right to a sequel?
The Disney Magic still works and it is stronger than ever! The film with Emma Watson , Dan Stevens and Luke Evans is a huge success worldwide and the film marked one of the biggest starts for a March EVER. We understand this success, eternal history has not taken a wrinkle and in addition, we have the chance to discover more about our favorite characters. Will the Disney leaders be tempted by a sequel? The answer is … NO . Yes, the scars of the commercial failure of the film “Alice of the Other Side of the Mirror” are still all fresh and Mickey’s house prefers to focus on other live-action highly anticipated audiences like Mulan .
This does not mean that the characters of Beauty and the Beast will never return to the dark rooms since other options are considered by Disney. According to the US Deadline site, Sean Bailey, one of the producers at Disney, said: “No follow-up is planned … but we are exploring the possibility of a Spin Off or a prequel . ” A film about the history of the Beast, a Spin Off on Light … Which character would you like to see at the heart of this possible Spin Off / Préquel? If you are already lacking the Beauty and the Beast you can discover all the Easter Eggs of the film !