The Beauty and the Beast: Emma Watson unveils her biggest challenge on the film

Playing Beautiful in Beauty and the Beast is a source of pride for Emma Watson. But it was not obvious either, the actress having had to take up a particular challenge!
You will agree with the editing of melty, Emma Watson has long become an accomplished actress! From Hermione Belle in Beauty and the Beast, who also both share many commonalities , through Ila in Noah or Sam in The Perks of Being a Wallflower , the young woman proved she had not Afraid of meeting the challenges. And bringing to life one of the Disney characters most loved fans, it’s clearly far from an easy task. Yet, as we have seen in different trailer, Emma Watson doing quite well Beautiful clothes – and can give relief to the decisive character of our heroine . However, playing the Disney Princess on screen represented, in a very specific case, A certain challenge for the actress. And no, donning corset dresses is not one of them. In reality, what has caused the most problem with Emma Watson is of course … the singing and dancing .
In an interview for the Cinemablend site, Belle’s interpreter truly confided in what had represented for her the biggest challenge on the film. She stated: ” For me the biggest challenge was to feel ready to sing in a musical It’s something I’ve always wanted to do but I had never done so. It was a bit like I was trying to learn to ride a bike again – it’s a bit like the Ferrari of music movies, actually. More … It was a real challenge and I am very proud to be able to use all the new skills I’ve learned in the rest of my career so it’s pretty cool ! “. Complicated, therefore, but rewarding, finally ! Anyway, Emma Watson does not have too much to worry about for her musical performance. Those who heard her singing in the trailer for Beauty and the Beast unveiled the Golden Globes know she has risen to the task! What do you think ?