The cannabis would alleviate the mental disorder caused by HIV

Health 13 December, 2017


Published the 13.12.2017 at 16: 30


Keywords :

cannabiscannabis thérapeutiquetétrahydrocannabinolvihsida

Half of HIV-infected patients have neurocognitive disorders. Language, attention, memory or speed of information processing can be achieved.

The patients ‘ immune system is fully mobilized to combat the disease. Which then causes chronic inflammation in the brain.

If the Aids virus does not infect directly the neurons, it attacks cells, which secrete then the substances toxic to the brain.

THC as an anti-inflammatory agent

According to a study, conducted by Michigan State University, the marijuana would be a bulwark to this degeneration mental due to HIV.

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, acts in effect as an anti-inflammatory agent. The molecule would reduce the number of white blood cells inflammatory, called monocytes. They sécrèteraient also less protein in the body.

“This decrease in the number of cells could slow down or even stop the inflammation, and thus potentially help patients to preserve their cognitive abilities,” says Mike Rizzo, co-author of the study and a graduate in toxicology.

To conduct this study, the researchers collected blood samples to 40 people sick with Aids, who consume, or not, of marijuana. They then isolated the white blood cells of each patient, and analyzed the rate of cells that are ” infected “.

Result : the patients who did not smoke cannabis had higher rates of inflammatory cells higher than those who smoked. The rate of consumers of marijuana was almost at the same level as a person who is not sick.

To new treatments ?

The objective of this study is clearly not to convince them of the benefits of cannabis and increase its consumption. But it is a step towards the development of new treatments for people living with HIV. Of drugs which could, therefore, have components which are derived from marijuana.

According to the researchers, this process could also help for other diseases, such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. Because these two diseases also affect the nervous system.