The day … I decided to tell you about my favorite series!

You also thought that my favorite series was none other than The Flash? Are you intrigued? So let’s talk about my favorite series ever!
Hello everyone! I hope the heat is not too stuffy and that you spend an excellent weekend end. This week, I decided to give myself more by revealing the name of my favorite series. Yes, the meltynauts, if I often talk about The Flash and my love for Barry Allen , it is yet another universe that has won my favors for life. At the risk of astonishing you a lot, know that my favorite genre is none other than the series of espionage to the point that I even devoted my memory to it. I love spies so much that I tend to convince the whole world to come with me to the movies as soon as a movie of this style is on view. But beware, what I appreciate especially, Is when you can mix very different tones in one and the same show . The emotion, the humor, the drama … and it is besides for this quality and many others still that Burn Notice remains my favorite series ever.
I hear you from here: “Burn what?” : P Do not worry, you’re not the only ones to have missed such a nugget. So I’m not going to lie to you if you do not like the spy series and you love to discover lots of different characters so Burn Notice may not be for you, but if I’ve stung your curiosity , I can assure you, you will not regret the adventure. The show brings together everything that is a wonderful story to my eyes with enough suspense and twists to want to continue to the end as we attach to characters whose depth is absolutely fantastic. Burn Notice tells the story of Michael Westen, a CIA spy whose career is at its peak. Overnight, In the middle of a blanket, he learns that he has been grilled and that everything is taken away. From his money to his reputation, Michael is nothing more in the space of a simple phone call.
Obviously, it is a rather simple pitch but which will very quickly deepen us leading into the tormented life of Michael on the USA . Because its existence has turned exclusively around the CIA for so many years that Miami, his hometown, has become his worst nightmare. So he is forced to go home and find his mother with whom he has a complicated relationship . Without resources, he will have to put himself at the service of those for whom the police can no longer anything and ally with his ex-girlfriend of volcanic nature and Sam, a friend who loves to bask the pill in the sun … and c ‘is all ! The series needs only four characters to convince and believe me, we never get bored at all so long the replies are well written and the characters always just.
Distant, hardened, not gifted with feelings, the series focuses above all to follow its course and its evolution. It is the reconquest of its identity and its investment in the discovery of those who burned it that make Burn Notice so different and so authentic. I do not want to spoil the surprise by going further but I was captivated from the beginning to the end as the format was orginal and well thought out. With a very well-treated voice-over that allows us to better understand Michael’s feelings and to get interesting spy hints, we are immersed in the adventures of our hero but especially in his interiority. If you’ve ever watched Chuck (also brilliant), you’ll only succumb. There is the same comic leg, the same care for the characters, The same love of the replica that kills and stunning investigations . Despite everything, you have to have a penchant for spying to really appreciate but I do not think the series can leave you indifferent at least if you look at the original version. The French version is not at all equal to Michael who is able to change accent, voice, posture and look for its cover.
I personally discovered Burn Notice at a time when I was not at my best, but she taught me to never let myself down. One can be at the lowest, have no hope, feel trapped but there is always a way out and a way out. Especially, the friendship of these characters is exceptional. They are capable of everything for each other and even if Michael sometimes struggles between his dark side and his luminous side, he can count on Fiona and Sam to remind him that he is a good person. Because we can all make questionable choices, the important thing is to realize it and do our best next time. Deeply human, this series is also a cocktail of good humor and right now, we need it .
That’s all for me meltynauts! If you decide to let yourself be tempted, do not hesitate to tell me about it in the comments. I would love to discuss it with you. I’ll meet you on July 2 next for a new column and by then, take care of you <3 And you, what is your favorite series ever?