The Disastrous Adventures of Orphans Baudelaire is available today on Netflix!

Cinema 13 January, 2017

Tremblez for the Disastrous Adventures of Orphans Baudelaire available today on Netflix, a series that will make you relativize the woes of your own life.

Nothing could predict what would happen today on Netflix : preferred warn you, you are not ready for this heartbreaking and sad day. On the first Friday the 13th 2017, at 9 am, the Lemony Adventures of Baudelaire Orphans arrive on Netflix , with episodes that you glaceront blood. Spoiler alert , the story will end so badly that she started to Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire , the three orphans who lost their parents in a tragic fire. The elder handyman, the brother passionate about books and the younger with the sharpened teeth will now continue to advance without family, while facing the sinister and Machiavellian Count Olaf … And it must be believed that they will emerge Not unharmed.
For the editing of melty, this day is also placed under the sign of the poison, and one already trembles with anguish. Between the wicked who find themselves winners in our fetish series and our heroes who multiply disastrous adventures, nothing goes any more. Some will experience a fate more tragic … And you can not say that you were not prepared. There is still time to change plan, stay under your duvet and mater 9 o’clock the Lemony Baudelaire Orphans Adventures, one of Netflix’s flagship series in January! Will you watch the Disastrous Adventures of the Baudelaire Orphans?