The Flash: Reverse Flash, Zoom, Savitar, what villain was the most successful?
While the season 3 of The Flash has recently finished on the CW, now is the time of the balance! What villain was the most successful?
Three evil emblems! Yes, the meltynautes, since the beginning of the show, the villains have succeeded in The Flash. If the first year we had immediately realized that Wells had a secret to hide, Zoom and Savitar kept their identity secret for long episodes. But then, which of them knew to captivate us and to offer us the most beautiful of the intrigues? While the editor of melty wondered if a leap in time was to be expected since Barry is stuck in the Speed Force in season 4 of The Flash , let’s start with Reverse Flash aka Eobard Thawne. Probably the most charismatic of all, Thawne was distinguished by a much more developed history than the others. Therefore, we have focused more on him. His double identity gave us moments of anthology . One remembers the moment when he did not hesitate to kill Cisco while revealing the truth to him always with the appearance of Wells. More complex, more worked, the story of this villain has literally fascinated us precisely because it had nothing predictable except perhaps for fans of comics.
Unfortunately, it must be admitted that things were much easier to guess for Zoom and for Savitar. The only person who could guess all the acts and gestures of our heroes in the second season could only be someone from within. The only intruder was Jay Garrick aka Hunter Zolomon. We must admit, however, that this revelation had broken our hearts so much that Barry saw the false Jay as a true model on the CW . Especially since Zoom has killed his father. If the Big Bad of season 2 is probably not the most successful, he will remain the one who will have snatched the last member of his family to Barry. As for Savitar, difficult to have been surprised by the discovery of his identity. It had been weeks since Internet users had guessed it was a Barry of the future . Even though Grant Gustin has delivered a magnificent performance in this new role, everything has been predictable in this season including the identity of Doctor Alchemy. In short, Reverse Flash remains the best villain in our eyes! And it’s probably not for nothing that he then landed in Legends of Tomorrow. Waiting for more info, check out our record of season 3 of The Flash on melty . What do you think is the best villain? In short, Reverse Flash remains the best villain in our eyes! And it’s probably not for nothing that he then landed in Legends of Tomorrow. Waiting for more info, check out our record of season 3 of The Flash on melty . What do you think is the best villain? In short, Reverse Flash remains the best villain in our eyes! And it’s probably not for nothing that he then landed in Legends of Tomorrow. Waiting for more info, check out our record of season 3 of The Flash on melty . What do you think is the best villain?