The Flash Season 3: HR Wells is the Big Big Bad, WTF Theory!
What if HR Wells was the big bad of season 3 of The Flash? Can it really be Savitar? This is the WTF theory of the week!
In the Season 3 episode of The Flash, Barry and Kara were stuck in a musical comedy during the crossover between Supergirl and the show led by Grant Gustin. The latter has also greatly moved us with the song that his character has sung to ask Iris in marriage. But if “Duet” was fun and moving, Barry will soon catch up with reality. Savitar is still outside and expects to make him suffer by killing the poor Iris. Can the super hero save the one he loves and defeat the big bad of season 3 of The Flash ? Savitar says he is a god but he is really only a man. What is his identity? Abra Kadabra should reveal it to Barry in the ” Season 18 episode of The Flash . Who is Savitar? A future version of Barry or Wally? Ronnie? Eddie? Many theories have emerged on this subject and a new one is emerging on the Web. HR Wells would actually be a naughty and could even be Savitar in season 3 of The Flash . This is the WTF theory of the week!
Savitar has a terrible rancor for Barry and knows absolutely everything about Team The Flash. But how is this possible? The big bad is probably very close to them … like HR Wells . Fans noted that Savitar and the writer of Earth-19 are the only two to call Wally “Wallace” . It sounds trivial but maybe it’s a clue! And if Savitar likes “good myths” , there’s another one who loves stories, HR Wells. In addition, they both tend to put themselves forward in season 3 of The Flash . Finally, HR left Earth-19 to find a family that accepts it for what it is. If something were to happen soon and they were losing friends again, He might end up wanting revenge. However, if HR Wells is Savitar this would strongly resemble an already-seen. The original Harrison Wells turned out to be Reverse-Flash in Season 1 of the series. Can the screenwriters really do it again? We will meet you next Tuesday night to find out. Meanwhile, check out all the PaleyFest spoilers about the season 3 of The Flash. And, in your opinion, could HR Wells be Savitar in season 3 of The Flash? for the knowledge. Meanwhile, check out all the PaleyFest spoilers about the season 3 of The Flash. And, in your opinion, could HR Wells be Savitar in season 3 of The Flash? for the knowledge. Meanwhile, check out all the PaleyFest spoilers about the season 3 of The Flash. And, in your opinion, could HR Wells be Savitar in season 3 of The Flash?