The Handmaid’s Tale: Episodes 3 and 4, Offred revolts next week on OCS

Cinema 28 June, 2017

The Handmaid’s Tale has just started on OCS and told you what to expect in the next two episodes. Warning, spoilers.
Some of them were waiting impatiently and that’s it, the most curious subscribers of OCS have had the chance to discover this evening the first two episodes of a revolutionary series: The Handmaid’s Tale . While you have been able to follow the misadventures of Offred and discover the ruthless world ruled by Gilead, we suggest you know a little more about what’s going to happen in episodes 3 and 4. Broadcast next Tuesday on OCS , The episodes are titled “Late” and “Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum”. Episode 3 will once again feature flashbacks to show us the downfall of society, the abolition of women’s rights and the rise of Gilead .
Moreover Offred will have the opportunity to get out of the House of Waterford to visit Ofwarren but it is a nasty surprise that will await him on his return. Asked about Ofglen, Offred will be far from imagining what his girlfriend will suffer as punishment. In episode 4 of The Handmaid’s Tale , Offred will make an interesting discovery in his room that will be followed by a much less sympathetic moment in the doctor. The flashbacks will bring us back to the time when June and Moira learn to become Handmaids and discover the horrible “ceremony”, a ritual of reproduction that will be imposed on them in all their families . The two friends will then attempt to ” Escape their destiny at all costs but things will obviously not happen as expected. In the present, Offred will continue to get closer to Commander Waterford who will teach him a little more about the Handmaid that preceded him. Two episodes still as intense and gripping as we continue to plunge into the scary world imagined by Margaret Atwood and brilliantly adapted by Bruce Miller. What do you think ?