The Power Rangers: A new poster with the justiciers and Rita Repulsa

The Power Rangers are unveiled again with a new exclusive poster featuring Rita Repulsa.
The posters follow for our justiciers! And as the movie opens , the Power Rangers unveil a new one on which future audiences can recognize Rita Repulsa, the future villain of this film adaptation. For the occasion, the character’s design has been totally redesigned giving it extra-terrestrial looks in addition to a rather dominant green. It was no less necessary for the fans to elaborate theories according to which the witch would be neither more nor less than the Green Ranger in the film The Power Rangers, whose French trailer was also unveiled exclusively . But it is not the only one to appear on the poster …
The Rangers are obviously present, all in position and ready to fight the one who will prove to be one of their toughest opponents alongside Goldar. The Ranger Rouge, leader of this small band of justiciers / high school students , also dominates the poster. The famous slogan “It’s morphin time” is also present: how could the studio have done otherwise? The task of the movie The Power Rangers, which will bring a lot to the series , will be to succeed to conquer the fans of the latter like the new spectators. Because the Power Rangers have existed for years on television and have been declined many times in many formats. See you on the 24th of March at the cinema. What do you think ?