The rant of Christine Bravo : it defends Bernard Tapie accused of exploiting his cancer – Gala

Entertainment 11 January, 2018

cup of mouth

In September 2017, Bernard Tapie has revealed to be suffering from cancer of the stomach. Operated on Wednesday 10 January, the businessman is accused of “exploiting his illness” to delay his re-trial before the correctional court in the case of Credit-Lyonnais Adidas. Charges that have annoyed Christine Bravo. The facilitator led a rant on the social networks.

In September 2017, Bernard Tapie announced that it was cancer of the stomach. Referred to the correctional court in the matter of the arbitration of the controversial Credit-Lyonnais Adidas, the lawyers of the Consortium of realization (CDR) blame ” for use, without shame of his illness “. In front of such words, Christine Bravo has pushed a rant on the social networks. “If I understand well, there would be one side, the “good cancer” like Johnny Hallyday, whose death made me so upset, like everyone else. And the other the “evil cancer” opportunistic ” as Bernard Tapie? I have the age where my close relatives have cancer. So shit! “And to add in response to charges of an internet user : “Personally, I have NO opinion on the trials and tribulations of Bernard Tapie, and frankly I don’t care…but to insinuate that he USED HIS CANCER is just a GERBER. I suppose those who claim this have NEVER been faced with this terrible tragedy“.

The business man was operated of the stomach, Wednesday, 10 January. On the eve of his hospitalization, the COR has convened in Brussels to be heard by the belgian courts. Accused of using his cancer to develop a “strategy of delay” in his trial, Bernard Tapie has produced a certificate of his surgery. In the day of Wednesday, January 10, his family gave reassuring news about his state of health. The business man would be in intensive care after this major surgery. His entire family supports him in this event. His wife Dominique has declared: “We are married for better and for worse “. His daughter Sophie and his son Stephane have sent messages poignant and full of love on the social networks.

Credits photos : Bestimage

Bernard TapieChristine Bravo

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