The seasonal depression does it exist really ?

Health 6 December, 2017


Published the 04.12.2017 at 10: 39 am


Keywords :

depression saisonniéreluminothérapie

Winter settles in, the days are less bright, and some of us suffer a decline in their mood and their motivation. In some cases, people even speak of ” seasonal depression “. But the trouble is there really ?

The decrease of the brightness

A fatigue that sets in, irritability, anxiety, loss of libido, a desire to stay at home or a sadness can be symptoms of depression. For some, the fall and winter are conducive to the onset of these symptoms, but the difference is that these disappear then in the spring and summer.
This type of depression would be due to a decrease of the daily hours of sunshine and light, which in turn would reduce the production of serotonin in the brain, a neurotransmitter essential in the management of mood.
The light therapy, that is to say, the exposure light of broad spectrum, whose intensity varies from 2500 to 10000 Lux, for at least 30 minutes per day, may help these people to balance the serotonin and feel better.

A diagnosis challenged

Even if everything suggests that it is a seasonal depression, the DSM, the reference manual for diagnosis to psychiatrists, do not recognize this disorder. He speaks rather of depression “atypical” or ” reactive “, in connection with the change of season.
Yet, in the depression of traditional, analyzing the impact of weather conditions in 800 questionnaires on depression, a team of american researchers has found that an impact very modest amount of the winter on the symptoms of unipolar depression. According to their study, neither time of year nor weather conditions will have no effect on the symptoms of depression.

Even if the seasonal depression is a diagnosis that should not be overestimated, exposing the most possible in the light of the day to make vitamin D and make sure to eat enough omega-3 fatty acid would prevent any decline of morale and motivation, regardless of the time of the year.