The sport, the secret of the children to have good lungs to adulthood

Health 1 February, 2018


Published the 01.02.2018 at 11: 15 am


Keywords :

poumonsmaladies lung chroniquesenfants

Better lung capacity, reduced risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, fight against stress: the benefits of sport on health are widely known today. Also for children, doing sport has positive effects in the long term. Those who have a physical activity would have better lung capacity in adulthood. This is according to a research published by the European Respiratory Journal.

A possible protection against the chronic diseases of the lung

The study was conducted by researchers in new zealand, the Otago university and led by professor Bob Hancox. He explains : “Our research shows that children who are in shape physically have better lung capacity then, when they are young adults. We believe that this could reduce the risk for developing chronic lung disease as they age.” The symptoms of these diseases are, indeed, rare before the age of 50 years. We speak of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It can be a chronic bronchitis or emphysema (related to a deformation of the lung alveoli). The sick are shortness of breath easily and have regular coughing fits.

A best bodybuilding pulmonary

The research builds on two other studies, conducted a total of 2406 children in Denmark and New Zealand. Tests of aerobic capacity done on a bike have been carried out at various ages (between 9 and 38 years of age) as well as tests of pulmonary function. The first results show that children who are athletes have better lung capacity. The more they improve their physical condition during childhood, the better their lung capacity in adulthood.

These effects are more visible in boys than in girls. “We do not know why the physical fitness and lung capacity are related, but one possible explanation would be that people in good physical shape have of the breathing muscles, most muscular, and are more muscular in general.” For researchers, the challenge now is whether these benefits on the lungs are still present when these young adults get older. They especially want to understand if this improved lung capacity can best protect against chronic lung diseases.

In general, physical activity is also good for children as for adults. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends one hour of physical activity for children 5 to 17 years old: playing football, doing a hide-and-seek, walk more : lespossibilités are many. Your sneakers !