The students neglect their health

Health 29 June, 2017


Published the 29.06.2017 at 12h02


Keywords :

health étudiantsSMEREPbudget

The health of the students is deteriorating year by year. The annual study by the SMEREP, mutuelle étudiante, attests. In the 2017, she points out that 15 % of all students at the university feel that they are not in good health. It is more than the previous year. Their habits of life, in part account for this. Even suffering, they will little to the doctor, and to adopt many of the behaviours at risk.

90 % of them do not see a regular health professional. Beside routine maintenance, it is not better : the half of young people do not go every year to the dentist.

Bad sleepers

The financial difficulties faced by these students, partly explain the problem. On average, they live with 379 euros per month. A tight budget that does not leave necessarily the place to the consultations.

However, this is not the main reason given by young people interviewed. They expect above all that their symptoms will pass, or have recourse to self-medication. This is the case for 45 % of those enrolled in higher education compared to 38 % in the previous year.

The reasons to see a health care professional, however, are many. The stress, in particular, is a major problem in this population. Among the students who sleep little – about a quarter of the respondents, the majority recognizes that these disorders are related to stress. Also, a bad sleeper on ten taking antidepressants, anxiolytics or other type of medication against the stress.

A power supply degraded

Not surprisingly, these youth are gnaw to the bone because of their studies. Many admit that they also suffer from emotional problems. In third position is another explanation : the financial problems, a major source of concern. In fact, a non-negligible share of students has a tight budget, including for fuel.

These finances delicate have a real impact on the food balance. On average, young people spent 9 euros per day to the food. But 4 out of 10 may not spend more than 5 euros.

Then, to compensate for the meals skipped, and some choose to nibble on. Bad habits that affect the state of physical health. 10 % of the students have already suffered from high blood pressure, excess cholesterol or hyperglycemia. Other risk behaviours, aggravating the balance sheet. One-third of the students resalent their dish and 30 % have already made a plan.