The voice of Emmanuel Macron : a “disaster” according to Sophie Fugain, speech – Gala

Entertainment 26 September, 2017


That would be a good narrator without a good voice ? Sophie Fugain, sister of Michel Fugain and speech pathologist, has unravelled to The Point that the voices of the personalities. And Emmanuel Macron is not spared : the president of the Republic, which must, however give many speeches, would still have a lot of work.

A still small voice that is neither what it is nor the image it would give. Sophie Fugain does not go dead hand : when asked by The Point, this speech pathologist has decoded the voice of Emmanuel Macron. And the least we can say is that the president of the Republic takes for his grade. “The stamp is poor, there is no resonance, the voice does not fill the whole space, then he the strength, “says the sister of Michel Fugain. And sometimes it’s a disaster, like during the meeting where he went berserk and starting in the treble. I was told that it was working with a tenor, it seems to me indispensable.” The head of the State is, in effect, offered the services of a vocal coach is unique in an attempt to mitigate this problem, which tarnishes his discourse.

However, Emmanuel Macron gives a lot of his person when he speaks in public. To the point sometimes of having “the air of a crazy “according to his own words : it was a reference to the sequence now known and during which he mentioned his “project ” for France. The president of the Republic still has work to do to master his voice, therefore ; the path will be long but it will often have the opportunity to train in the course of the quinquennium, which promises many catch words – can-be happens even in the longer term to finally laugh to his audience.

Credits photos : BESTIMAGE

Emmanuel Macron

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