The Walking Dead continues its nosedive in the hearings and has reached the scores of the season 1

This is not that it is working, but the course of a series as the Walking Dead is exciting. Colossus with feet of clay, the series, currently in its eighth season, multiplies the ads, despite hearing more and more low.
And yesterday, we reported about Scott Gimple, showrunner of season 8, which promised to be full of beautiful things for the future of the universe Walking Dead, which will be even more extended than before, forgetting, however, to say what it was about in detail (and I must admit, it was not super clear its statement) A statement which reveals today an after-taste a little rancid since the hearings of the last episode in date, the tenth, come to fall and not famous-famous.
We knew Walking Dead, lost speed the last few years and that it had lost, in four short years, half of its viewers. But that was nothing compared to the figures reported by the website Collider. This tenth episode achieved a score so bad that he joined, in terms of hearing, the first season of the series. Still in the same panel, 18-49, the episode would not have “that” gathered 6.8 million viewers (1.5 million less compared to the previous episode) and would coltiné a score of 2.9, score so low that the series had reached only once, during the penultimate episode of season 1.
So, it is the alarm bell that it has to be drawn to this even if it is necessary to put things in perspective. In fact, in spite of this impressive waterfall, The Walking Dead remains the series the most-watched on cable on Sunday by the public. Therefore, in the absence of real competition, we said that AMC can take these loss of hearing without freaking out and trying to drown the fish as they do so well at the moment.