The Walking Dead: Rick Grimes and the favorite zombie killers of Group 4!
Competition says winners and losers and it seems that The Walking Dead stands out in the group 4 …
The competition is tough in the 2017 World Cup and inevitably there are always series that do better than others. But why is The Walking Dead often among the favorites? Small return on the strengths of one of the biggest hits of the small screen. As a reminder, The Walking Dead is this year in competition with Jane the Virgin, Scandal and The Originals. Series equally sympathetic but to fanbase much less important than AMC’s flagship series . Indeed, because the Walking Dead is drawn from comics, many viewers already knew of it .
Despite a season 7 nuanced, The Walking Dead continues to seduce the fans with in particular the arrival very expected of Negan, played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Between the deaths of Abraham and Glenn, the introduction of Ezekiel and his Shiva tigress and the alliance between Alexandria, Hilltop and the Kingdom, Season 7 proved crucial in the arcs of the series, Bases for a very different sequence. In short, with perhaps fewer zombies but still as much danger, The Walking Dead continues to please and attract votes . But nothing has yet been played and fans of Scandal, Jane the Virgins and The Originals still have time to mobilize to vote every day for their favorite series!