The Walking Dead Season 7: Episode 6, hearings of the series continue to collapse!
Bad news for The Walking Dead, which saw its audiences collapse during the broadcast of episode 6.
Sunday night AMC aired the sixth episode of the seventh season of The Walking Dead. Entitled “Swear” , it offered us two missing characters to our screens for too long: Tara and Heath. If the latter’s participation was minimal in this episode, Tara, she was the heroine and thanks to it, we got to know of Oceanside and its inhabitants. Like every week, the series offers us an episode centered on a character or a community. Recently, The Walking Dead has suffered criticism, being increasingly hated by fans . Unfortunately, it is not only on social networks that people express anger, but also in their actions.
This week, only 10.4 million Americans have responded to this new episode of Season 7. On the rate of 18-49ans, the preferred target commercial advertisers, the series points to 4.9%. This is a decrease of 0.2 points on the rate compared with last week. On the overall, the series has lost 600,000 fans. A question arises: Does the series will still see his audiences down every week? One thing is certain in any case, the series has achieved its worst since … Season 3, four years! While waiting to discover the next episode, discover the latest chronicle of Betty on The Walking Dead ! What do you think of these hearings?