The Walking Dead Season 7: Jesus, new gay character in the series?

Will we find out in the next few episodes of season 7 of The Walking Dead that Jesus is gay?
It remains true or not? Comic book fans The Walking Dead still anxiously waiting for more characters arrive and that some events take place in the series, because they want this one properly treated their favorite plots. This fact is true for Jesus, a character who takes more and more importance in the season 7 of The Walking Dead, as we can see in a first single episode 7 where Jesus and Carl arrive at the Shrine unveiled by AMC . Thus, fans are eager to know if the character’s story will be respected since in the comics, he’s gay . Although it’s not been revealed at the beginning of the character, for a number of reasons, Jesus has a relationship with the Doctor of Hilltop: Harlan Carson. Later in his story, he begins a new relationship with Aaron. Many fans have wondered if this part of the life of Jesus would be revealed in the series. A reason since some characters have undergone great changes in their love life. Indeed, some began to wonder if Sasha and Jesus could not be closer. But today we have the answer to that question!
According to Tom Payne, who plays Jesus, it seems that the character will remain true to what we find him in the comics. Indeed, in a recent interview, he was asked about the possibility that Jesus was also gay in the series and he did not hesitate to express his opinions. “I think it would be great,” he began before continuing on to state that the sexuality of the character was key and that there was no reason that the series change this fact . He continues: “Yeah, who cares it is badass and it turns out he’s gay Why should it not be and I do not see why it would be different in the series?.?” . Remains to know if a relationship with Aaron is to become Jesus? Or is it that Dr. Carson will remain the only love of the character? Until the next episode, see if episode 6 of season 7 of The Walking Dead is the worst or the best of the series! What do you think about the actor?