The Walking Dead Season 7: More and more people hate the series!
While the first part of the season 7 of The Walking Dead coming to an end, it seems that more and more people hate the series …
Last October 23 The Walking Dead made its comeback on AMC after months of absence. A return was eagerly awaited since the season premiere had to answer THE big question for fans: who is the victim of Negan? Since that first season particularly intense, the pace slowed in the series, preferring to deliver fans to discover one community each week. But the writers have they made the right choice? Apparently not . When looking at the reactions of the fans on the web and notes given to episodes on sites like IMDb, this new round of episodes and disappoints the fans do know.
This may take time, however, even if Jesus and Carl snuck into one of the vehicles saviors at the end of the episode 5. But it would make sense that the writers continue to tell their stories episode by episode, especially as some of the characters are not particularly interesting or popular. If The Walking Dead continues to be very successful in the US, audiences have been declining since his return, demonstrating once again the fans of fatigue to their favorite series . 7 The Walking Dead season continues Sunday night with the broadcast of episode 7. What do you think of the final episodes?