The Walking Dead Season 7: Why we should not worry about the fall hearings!
While hearings 7 of The Walking Dead season continue to fall, here are the reasons why we should absolutely not worry!
Do not panic ! And yes meltynautes the The Walking Dead hearings are far from rosy for some weeks and after a full board recorded following the airing of Season Premiere, audiences have been falling. While the editorial ‘of melty proposed to discover an unpublished excerpt from episode 7 of Season 7 of The Walking Dead in which Carl removed his headband to Negan , here’s why we do not have to worry of falling hearings the iconic series of AMC . First, do not forget that season 3 was followed by less than 10 million viewers that did not stop the show to be renewed for two additional chapters. Moreover, even if the hearings are lowered, The Walking Dead series remains a cable channel the most watched on Sunday night! A record that would continue even if the hearings went below the 10 million mark.
Moreover, fear the walking dead continue to enjoy the confidence of the leaders of the chain by bringing together nearly 3 million viewers. Renewed for a third season, she has no need to worry. The Walking Dead that keeps triple viewers should be largely immune . Especially as the episodes focused on one community has meant to scare some fans. Definitely, with the return of the broader episodes and the final mid-season, fans should be back. Pending further information, see our review of episode 7 of 7 of The Walking Dead season melty. Why hearings they fall in your opinion?