The Walking Dead season 8: When will it be broadcast?
While Season 7 of The Walking Dead just ended on AMC, when will we have the pleasure of discovering the next episodes? The answer immediately!
En route for a long hiatus! And yes the meltynauts, we will have to wait before we can feast the first episodes of the eighth season of the AMC flagship series . If the channel has made no official announcement about the return of our favorite series, some media are already making some speculation. While Melty’s editor suggested discovering the cast’s confidences about the death of SPOILER in an unexpected scene in Season 7 of The Walking Dead , it may be that Season 8 of the show disembarked 14 October, that is, on 21 October. Indeed, usually, The Walking Dead returns the second week of October but this year, It had been broadcast a little later, which explains why we are still uncertain as to the exact date of his return. One thing is certain, it is Fear The Walking Dead that will fill the void of his absence for a few weeks.
And we will have to wait for the Comic Con of San Diego which will take place in July next to know the official date of the launching of the eighth season of The Walking Dead. An eternity! Fortunately, the ordeal should be less difficult than last year as this seventh chapter ended on an almost positive note. No terrifying cliffhanger to ruminate for months since it is a page that turns now . All united against Negan, the communities have a real chance of winning and we really hope that they will manage to defeat it. Waiting for more info, discover the 5 key moments of Season Finale of season 7 of The Walking Dead.