The Walking Dead, The Flash, Vikings, Stranger Things: These series we wanted to see in the semifinals!

Cinema 12 July, 2017

As the semi-finals of the Series World Cup continue to be in full swing on melty, here are the series we wanted to see happen at this stage of the competition!

It’s almost the end ! In less than two weeks, we will finally know the name of the big winner of the 2017 World Cup. After a fierce battle, the winning show will have clearly deserved it. However, some of our little darlings did not manage to win their ticket for the rest and that, it bothers us a lot. While Melty’s editor suggested that you come back to the fusional and deadly duo formed by Stefan and Damon in The Vampire Diaries, here are the series we wanted to see in the semifinals!
The Flash

We are not going to lie to you, we are still shocked to know that The Flash was eliminated in the first round of the competition. Ok, his third season was widely criticized by some of the fans and the show faced giants but still! Just for his endearing characters and well-worked intrigues, the series worn by Grant Gustin deserved to go to the semifinal.
The Walking Dead

Nobody is recovering and yet the great favorite of this tournament has been eliminated by The Vampire Diaries. Did she pay the price of a seventh season very much below the previous ones? Is she faced with a community of fans motivated like never before to win the people of Mystic Falls? In any case, The Walking Dead seemed to deserve his place in the semifinal. But then, who will succeed GoT?

Again, we were convinced that Vikings would win his fight against Once Upon A Time. Extremely appreciated by the fans of the first hour, Vikings nevertheless remains rather unknown and it is time that it changes so much the show proved to us that it had nothing to envy to the giants of the current television landscape. Hopefully Vikings will go further in the competition next year.
Stranger Things

We will not hide that Stranger Things appeared to us like one of the great favorites of the competition as its first season had made a huge buzz on the web. Has it suffered the consequences of a single aspect broadcast so far? Perhaps ! In any case, with the release of Season 2 scheduled for next October on Netflix, it could well climb to the first step of the podium very soon.
Teen Wolf

A few weeks from the final end of Teen Wolf, it is clear that we expected to see her take her place for the semifinals. Unfortunately, this will not be enough but let’s hope that it will remain in the hearts of the fans for many more years. Do not forget to vote every day at the World Series Cup before it’s too late!