These actors have a TOC, they always do the same thing in their movies
Look at it as a signature or a trademark found in many of their films …
If you filmed the space of a single day, and matat the result, you would quickly realize certain tics of language, gestures and mimicry that repeat. It’s just human. In the same vein, actors cultivate throughout their filmo one aspect of their personality, which over time has become a signature . You’ll watch their next movies with the same eye now that you know.
Leonardo DiCaprio tinkles all the time, everywhere
CHEERS! Since “Titanic” , the Oscar-winning actor is the kind to share his savoir-vivre and to drink at the slightest opportunity. His glass rising in “The Great Gatsby” has definitely become a legendary meme on the Internet.
Johnny Depp never walks without a hat
Yet it is not the baldness that watches him. But what do you want to do, like Genevieve, the Johnny has a hat head.
Tom Cruise gallops in all his films
Burger Fiction did the math: not counting his latest film “Jack Reacher: Never Go Back” , Tom Cruise ran the screen 18 minutes and 10 seconds on his entire filmography. The cardio of a Kenyan.
Samuel L. Jackson is the king of monologues
When the good man and his charism land in a room, you shut up and you listen. You understood Marvin ?!
Tim Roth likes to land to think
We were still dealing with the doctor of “Lie To Me” , expert to detect the mythos. Hence the habit of sitting and analyzing the situation.
Harrison Ford has a very threatening finger
A nasty habit choped from “Star Wars” and that has not left it. Harrison Ford puts pressure only on the finger.
Michelle Rodriguez is an Amazon warrior, whatever happens
She could make the biopic of Marie Curie that Michelle Rodriguez would still roam in Rangers and with a kalash slung over. The Amazon warrior, the real one.
Mel Gibson loves to fuck off
As nature has spoiled it, monsieur has decided to make everyone benefit from it in his films. Mel Gibson is considered one of the pioneers of the nude scenes via his role in 1987 in “The Fatal Weapon” . Good today, at 61 years, it is hoped that it will calm down a chouia anyway.
Brad Pitt eats like a pig
And the guy always has the line … incomprehensible
The question has been stirring the web for a while now: but why does Brad Pitt always have the slab in his films? This crunchy gourmet mashup compiles all the scenes where it grazes.