Thor Ragnarok: Tessa Thompson “Valkyrie is really badass”

Valkyrie will make her debut at the cinema in Thor Ragnarok and Tessa Thompson, who lends her features, we tease this new character.
The heroines land in force in Thor Ragnarok ! The next film about the God of Asgard looks really exceptional and our favorite superhero will not be surrounded by anyone. Thor Ragnarok is the first super-villain of the MCU in the person of Hela, played by Cate Blanchett , as well as a new team-mate. If we are sad at the thought of not finding Lady Sif, we are eager to discover Valkyrie, played by Tessa Thompson . The actress seen recently in the series HBO Westworld confided to EW and gave us some details about this new heroine.
She said, “When you see her for the first time, she has just met Thor on Sakaar, I can not say what she does, but she knows the Great Master, they do business together, she finds Thor and Presents it to the Grand Master, thinking that he might be interested, and the rest is a secret . ” When she is asked to describe her character, she announces: “She is really, really badass (…) She is so badass that she does not need armor to protect herself, she carries almost nothing She has chains at the wrists that she can use as weapons, two daggers that never leave her and a very special sword . ” While waiting to discover it on the big screen, We reveal the Valkyrie Superstory on melty! Are you excited about Valkyrie?