Thor Ragnarok: The Shortest Film of the MCU?
Thor is the next superhero of the MCU to settle in the dark rooms and the director of Ragnarok gave details about the duration of the film.
When we embark in a film of superheroes we really want that the adventure lasts as long as possible. As a rule, the solo adventures of our superheroes last 10 minutes below and above 2h, but Thor Ragnarok could do things differently. Decidedly it is really a revival for the God of Asgard who changes his recipe for, hopefully, an even greater success. Interviewed by Collider, Taika Waititi said: “With the current editing, we are about 100 minutes away. It will not be a very, very long film.” Nooooooon, less time spent with Thor?
He then explained: “I think the stories are better when you leave the audience in full suspense, that it wants to see more. This film looks more like a clip, it happens stuff all the way I think people will be tired at the end, it’s a big trip and I do not think we need 3 hours of film. ” Kevin Feige and his team at Marvel Studios have trusted Taika Waititi who recently confessed that 80% of Thor Ragnarok’s scenario had been improvised. We assume that the director knows what he is doing and we are eager to discover the result in the dark rooms in October!