Toxic shock : the composition of the buffers out of the question

Health 4 July, 2017


Published the 04.07.2017 to 21h50


Keywords :

syndrome shock toxiquemenstruationstaphylocoque

The composition of the buffers that promote the syndromes of toxic shock ? The answer is negative, and should reassure many French. The origin of this speech is soothing, the national reference Centre for staphylococci, installed at the Hospices civils de Lyon (Rhône).

After you have found an upsurge in cases of SCT, the service has launched a survey on the impact of the protections hygienic. The results, presented on 4 July, gave cause for optimism.

700 buffers scanned

TBS is caused by a strain of staphylococcus aureus producing a toxin (TSST-1). They result in classic symptoms : fever, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle pain… But complications can occur in the absence of treatment.

This is the CNR of Lyon, which has sounded the alarm on this subject in October last. In the space of 10 years, the toxic shock syndrome has greatly increased in France. Twenty of the cases occur per year, against one or two before. Without apparent explanation.

To better understand this resurgence, the specialists of CNR have therefore launched an appeal to the citizens. It was necessary to confirm the suspicions on the components used. The objective of the study was to collect used swabs and to identify the risk associated with their use. The French have responded in mass. Thanks to them, the researchers were able to analyse 700 buffers used.

Educating French

In parallel, the researchers of CNR have been an experience. They have bought new pads and immersed in a solution mimicking the vaginal fluids in the menstrual period, in the presence of the staph producer of the toxin TSST-1.

“In relation to a witness, all protections used have a neutral effect,” concludes Gérard Lina. Better : in some cases, bacterial growth and toxin production are reduced. The cotton seems to have a neutral impact on the development of the staph, while the viscose and rayon have a tendency to inhibit it.

But then, what may well cause of this resurgence of cases of tss ? For Gérard Lina, this is little doubt. It is necessary to look on the side of learning. “If this is not the buffer, is that the education to the use of the buffer is not optimal “, he says. In other words, the products are improperly worn, or over long periods of time.

The NRC has launched an online survey, open to all, in order to better understand the behaviour of the French and how they are initiated with the use of a buffer. From the responses of the participants, the scientists hope to define a strategy of education, in order to limit the risks. Because if the disease is rare, it is possible to roll back even more. By raising awareness, by example, on the maximum length of a port buffer.