Traces of pesticides in fruits and vegetables are a danger to the fertility of women

Health 4 January, 2018


Published the 03.01.2018 at 18: 50


Keywords :

FIVpesticidefausse coucheinfertilité

New warning on the dangers of pesticides. The consumption of fruit and vegetables containing pesticide residues may reduce the fertility of women.
A study was conducted on women treated for their infertility, and shows a significant impact. The results of this research have been published in JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association.

A study based on the rate of pesticides

325 women participated in the study, all were on treatment against infertility, using assisted reproduction techniques. These have been divided into different groups : one consumed fruits and vegetables containing a high dose of pesticide residues, the other, low doses.
The scale of dosage of pesticide residues was based on the u.s. department of agriculture. In each of the groups, sub-groups have been created with portions of fruit and vegetables different.

Higher risk of miscarriage

Women who consumed fruit and vegetables with residues of pesticides in larger quantities have a lower probability of becoming pregnant and a lower likelihood that the child may be born living.
A fertility which is gradually decreasing with increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits contaminated : women who consume the largest portions, with the residues in pesticides, the most high, has 18% less likely to be pregnant compared to those who consume the same fruits and vegetables, but in small portions.
In addition, they are 26% less likely to give birth to a baby in life.

To avoid pesticides, organic food can help, even if traces of pesticides have already been found in organic vegetables. Otherwise, eat local and in-season allows you to avoid fruits and vegetables treated to travel.