Truvada : the court validates the sale of generic

Health 10 September, 2017


Published the 08.09.2017 at 11h23


Keywords :

VIHtruvadamédicaments génériquesjustice

Gilead has lost the battle for generic. Its molecule lighthouse, Truvada, can now be marketed by other laboratories. This September 5, the tribunal de grande instance of Paris ruled in Mylan, the holder of an authorisation of placing on the market (AMM). This laboratory will also pay 100,000 euros for legal costs by the giant american drug.

It is a setback that wipes Gilead. Holder of the patent on Truvada (emtricitabine/tenofovir), the industrial is at the head of a market of scale. The antiretroviral is, in fact, used in the treatment and prevention of a HIV infection. In France alone, there are 150,000 people living with the virus ; more than 3 000 others are using the molecule in a preventive manner.

Savings with a view

Because of 407 euros the box of tablets, the market represents a major inflow to the revenues of Gilead. In the interim, the laboratory has, therefore, relied on the Supplementary Protection Certificate (CPC) that it holds ; it enables him, in theory, to extend the monopoly until 2020 in France and in 11 other countries.

But the arguments of the american manufacturer did not convince the court. The TGI was held by the CPC ” probably no “. Opening, at the same time, the way to génériqueurs. The savings to the community would be substantial. The generic version of Truvada represents an expenditure of € 180 per box – or 226 less than the princeps. The molecule being taken as 100% charge, this should relieve the finances of the sickness Insurance.