VIDEO – The regrets of Jane Fonda : “I would have had to talk about earlier” – Gala

Entertainment 13 October, 2017


In front of the cameras of CNN International, the actress Jane Fonda speaks out on the scandal currently affecting Hollywood : the accusations of sexual assault by the producer Harvey Weinstein on actresses over the past thirty years.

We only speak of this case for a week : the producer, the most well-known of Hollywood, Harvey Weinstein, has just been sacked from his own company after accusations of sexual assault. Since the new actors but also of professional film find the courage to speak up and accuse the one who has reigned supreme for decades on Hollywood.

Interviewed by CNN International, the actress Jane Fonda is back on the case. If it is not part of the victims ” I was too old when I met Harvey Weinstein. He preferred younger women, more vulnerable,” she claims to have been informed of the actions of the producers by the actress Rosanna Arquette there are a year and kills up to here ” I am ashamed of not having spoken of at the time “. Jane Fonda also makes the parallel between the actions of Harvey Weinstein and actor Bill Cosby, but also those of Dominique Strauss-Kahn highlighting sexism in our overall society and a system that is not only linked to the middle of the film, an idea also evoked by the actress Florence Darel in the show Daily.

NEW: @Janefonda tells me: “I found out about [Harvey Weinstein] about a year ago. And I’m ashamed that I didn’t say anything right then. ”

— Christiane Amanpour (@camanpour) October 12, 2017

“I only met Harvey when I was old,” @Janefonda tells me. “And Harvey goes for young, because that’s more vulnerable.”

— Christiane Amanpour (@camanpour) October 12, 2017

More: @Janefonda says she’s “so proud” of those speaking up. “Let’s not think that this is some unique, horrific– this goes on all the time”

— Christiane Amanpour (@camanpour) October 12, 2017Jane FondaHarvey Weinstein

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