VIDEO – When prince William denies the rumor : no, Harry has not yet asked to be his wedding witness Gala

Entertainment 11 January, 2018


And if it wasn’t him ? Prince William has put an end to the rumor that the imagined witness of his brother Harry in his wedding with actress Meghan Markle. It could, however, become one : his youngest child has just not yet proposed !

“A sensitive subject “. It was prince William himself who said : his position as a witness to the marriage of his brother Harry and actress Meghan Markle is not ensured, and if it makes him laugh, he may be ill take not to be chosen. On Wednesday 10 January, the English journalist Richard Palmer, a specialist of the royal family, has posted on his Twitter account a video recorded during a charity event for the prevention of suicide of men. Prince William, who is talking with the footballer Rio Ferdinand, has refuted the rumour that the already wants a witness to his brother.

“He has not requested it yet, sorry ! “said the prince with a laugh. It should not, however, delay : the wedding will take place in may this year, and if some of the details still remained to be settled – such as the choice of the cake – there is no doubt that the choice of the witnesses is in reality already done in the heart of prince William and Meghan Markle. Impossible, however, to rely on a tradition or protocol for the union : the actress has already proven that she could deviate from the beaten track, despite the weight of the royal family. For example, it is not her father that will lead her to the altar.

Prince William with footballer Rio Ferdinand at a male suicide charity event tonight where he said his brother had not yet asked him to be best man at his wedding.

— Richard Palmer (@RoyalReporter) January 10, 2018

Credits photos : Bestimage

William of England,Harry England

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