Vikings beaten by Once Upon A Time, did the series deserve to win?
The Vikings series lost to Once Upon A Time in the quarterfinals! Did the fantastic series of ABC really deserve to win against the historic show?
A few days ago, it was announced to you that unfortunately Vikings was at the bottom against Once Upon A Time. If the historic series fought well throughout this 2017 World Cup, she failed to catch up with ABC’s fantastic show. Indeed, the Sauveuse imposed itself by winning its duel against Ragnar and thus joined the semi-finals. It was not easy for fans of the Vikings to compete with the Oncers! Indeed, aficionados are one of the most motivated fanbases and as a result, they are extremely formidable. Ragnar was the expense in this 2017 World Cup, especially since this year the Oncers have mobilized en masse to take their revenge over the past year. If Once Upon A Time has already won the competition twice and seems to be going to the final, did the series really deserve to win against Vikings?
For the past two seasons, Once Upon A Time has been losing momentum and offering episodes of a lower quality compared to the first seasons. The intrigues sometimes turn in circles, are not always deepened and end in an unconvincing way. The series often chooses the ease and it is a pity. This is also reflected in the hearings that continue to plummet. On the contrary, Vikings seduced more and more and is the number 1 show on cable channels in the United States. If Season 6 of Once Upon A Time was rather a failure, Season 4 of the History series, consisting of 20 episodes instead of 10, lived up to our expectations despite a slower pace. Between conspiracies, treasons, and unexpected twists, the Vikings knew how to keep us in breath. Not to mention that the sets and costumes are always on top, the fights particularly well choreographed and casting very talented. The History Series clearly deserved to win! Once Upon A Time ensured her victory over Vikings but will have to be vigilant in the semi-finals because she is again facing a quality show, 13 Reasons Why.